Picture Books: The Underlying Structure

Hello everyone!

One of my goals as a writer is to get at least one picture book published.  However, the picture book market is very competitive.  Below are two blog posts and an article about how to structure a successful picture book.  I hope you find them to be as helpful as I did.

“Writers: The 20 Questions I Ask a Picture Book” by Rachel Hamby: https://rachelhamby.com/for-writers/ (Special thanks to Laurie Wallmark for leading me to this article.)

“Concept book, concept book. What do you see?” by Bonny Becker: https://booksaroundthetable.wordpress.com/2017/02/06/concept-book-concept-book-what-do-you-see/?wref=pil

“7 Ways to Structure Your Picture Book” by Brian A. Klems: http://www.writersdigest.com/whats-new/7-ways-to-structure-your-picture-book (This article ties in with Bonny Becker’s article.  I think of the seven structures as seven writing challenges.)

Happy writing!


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